Bruce Willis: God Among Men.
Well if you haven't already guessed, I love Bruce Willis because his involvement with the film Die Hard. This movie is quite possibly one of the greatest films ever made. If you haven't seen it before here is the premise in a nutshell: Bruce Willis gets pissed and kills a shitload of people. Thats just incredible. Here is my issue though: What happened to these types of movies? I'm sure we all remember such marvelous films as the Rambo Trilogy with Stallone, Commando and Predator featuring Arnold, and many others that I might name later. All I want is a revival of the intense action packed BLOODY films of the 80s and 90s because those movies were just amazing. You can't beat watching a guy with NO SHOES tromp around a sky scraper bitch-slapping terrorists around every corner. Or how about a veteran who wages war on a whole town a kills everyone--Rambo just straight up murders cops, because he is completely insane. Now thats awesome.
Bruce just straight up slaps German terrorists and still has time for a smoke--BAD ASS.
Did I mention I can read minds? I know what you are thinking people often turn to films such as the Bourne Identity, or XXX as examples of good recent action films. Now, I was a fan of The Bourne Identity, it had a good premise: an ex CIA gets real pissed at the CIA and kills a bunch of people. But there was just one problem with that, the bitch. The chick that he fucking dragged around with him the whole movie. Without her Damon could have killed about 100 more people than he had and that would have been some quality cinema. If Arnold was there, he woulda slapped that biotch taken her ugly red car and drove to CIA headquarters and stabbed them all in the neck with a wrench and that woulda been an amazing thing to see. But no. We had to watch Matt Damon (who I love) tromp around with some hobag and be all lovely with her...LAME. Learn from your forefathers Matty. Avoid the use of women tag-alongs in your action movies. They will bring down your kill count exponentially. Don't even get me started on XXX that movie was worst than a moldy vagina. It spent far too much time trying to look pretty and not enough time killing stuff.
Did I mention I can read minds? I know what you are thinking people often turn to films such as the Bourne Identity, or XXX as examples of good recent action films. Now, I was a fan of The Bourne Identity, it had a good premise: an ex CIA gets real pissed at the CIA and kills a bunch of people. But there was just one problem with that, the bitch. The chick that he fucking dragged around with him the whole movie. Without her Damon could have killed about 100 more people than he had and that would have been some quality cinema. If Arnold was there, he woulda slapped that biotch taken her ugly red car and drove to CIA headquarters and stabbed them all in the neck with a wrench and that woulda been an amazing thing to see. But no. We had to watch Matt Damon (who I love) tromp around with some hobag and be all lovely with her...LAME. Learn from your forefathers Matty. Avoid the use of women tag-alongs in your action movies. They will bring down your kill count exponentially. Don't even get me started on XXX that movie was worst than a moldy vagina. It spent far too much time trying to look pretty and not enough time killing stuff.
Here is Stallone killing EVERYONE cuz he's fucking insane.
Now while directors like Michael Bay might be seen as the downfall of cinema to some viewers he is probably the only director that is making a concerted effort to blow things up and kill lots of people in his movies. Much like bloody action flicks of old Bay's Bad Boys films kill everyone, blow up everything, and are still very funny. But Michael Bay made Pearl Harbor so he can suck a fat one and if he fucks up Transformers I will tear his heart out with a spoon. All I ask is that we look back to the days of Total Recall, Demolition Man, and fucking Passenger 57. Those are the movies where the hero didn't care about his love as much as he cared about stabbing a henchman in the eye or blowing up a bunch of shit. So Vin Diesel can suck a fat one (except as Riddick) cuz we need some real action stars that aren't afraid to make a movie that is just about killing people.