Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kill 'em All

Yesterday I watched a movie called The Warriors. This is an interesting film that has since its release in 1979 has become an increasing cult favorite. If you are not familiar here is a basic synopsis: A gang known as The Warriors gets framed for the murder of a big time gang lord known as Cyrus in the Bronx. The Warriors are from Coney Island and must get there before the 100 other gangs in New York can find them and "off those suckers." This film is ripe with everything that made 70's B movies the cult favorites of today. It takes the world we think we know and makes it completely ridiculous. And to top it off it is based on a Greek legend.

Well God Damn. Nowadays if a movie is based on a Greek legend it actually is a Greek legend--which is totally bullshit. I don't want to seem one dimensional when I say this but whatever happened to the movies where people would just kill the shit out of each other and ask questions later? Sometimes people deserve to die. There was a time when we could watch this kind of stuff in movies all the time; a time where dudes with bats and matching vests and names like: Swan, Vermin, and Ajax were bad ass.

In 1986 Gary Busey made a little flick called Eye of the Tiger. This movie is total dogshit never see it. However, in said movie The Busey takes a stick of dynamite, dips it in vaseline, and shoves it up a dudes ass who is handcuffed to a hospital bed. Awesome. These types of films aren't dead people. They are just not being watched. Mel Gibson might be a psycho but Apocalypto was way better than Dreamgirls could ever be.

That is all for now. In the meantime check out the movie poster for Eye of the Tiger the only other good thing about this movie.


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